Note to Self: He's the Hero, Duh

Just real quick before I forget, don't make the antagonist a spineless wuss. I mean, just because you're a spineless wuss and can totally empathize with someone going along with whatever happens is no reason to write protagonists who do it. It doesn't make them sensitive, attractive, and most especially doesn't make them heroic.

Come on, self, this is a recurring problem for you. Okay, granted, you're doing better, but that scene you wrote this morning was inexcusable. I guess it kind of relates to that last note about things not going according to plan. You didn't plan to make him act weak and childish. You simply planned to have him duped into betraying another character, one for whom he cares deeply, one he's supposed to be protecting.

Really. You should have seen it coming. I mean, falling for a pretty face and a hug? Okay, it might be realistic, but he's beyond that. He knows better. If he's gonna fall for something, it should be something internal, a deep character flaw. He's got 'em. Jade's not one of them.

Note to Self:  They call them heroes for a reason. Who wants to cheer for a pushover? Not your audience. Flaws are fine, but if your protagonist is still a regular guy at the end of the book, something's wrong.

(Did I admit to being a spineless wuss up there?)


  1. You sure did, and now you're never going to live it down! Muahaha!


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